Mission Highlights — Pre-Launch
As of February 19, 2015:
- MMS Observatories #1 and #2 were mated to the Atlas Payload Adapter (PLA), and Observatories #3 and #4 were stacked on top for the final time prior to launch.
- Final separation system and pyro installation was completed.
- Final closeouts, cleaning and red tag/green tag activities are underway, with all cover removal planned to be completed by Sunday.
As of February 5, 2015:
- All pre-stacking MMS Observatory thermal blanket close-outs were completed as planned.
- Pyros were installed in the Separation System Clamp-band systems on Mini-Stack #1 and Mini-Stack #2.
- The MMS Safety and Mission Assurance Review was (SMSR) conducted successfully this week.
As of January 29, 2015:
- Observatories #3 and #4 completed fueling and pressurization today in another very smooth performance by the MMS Propulsion team.
- In the encapsulation bay adjacent to MMS at Astrotech ULA mated the Payload Adapter (PLA) to the Spacecraft Transportation Vehicle (STV). The MMS fairing is also at Astrotech and being prepared for encapsulation of the MMS Observatories.
As of January 22, 2015:
- The MMS Mission Readiness Review (MRR) was conducted by the NASA GSFC Center Management Council (CMC) on Wednesday. The GSFC CMC endorsed proceeding to launch.
- Work at the launch site at Astrotech this week focused on preparation for fueling Mini-Stack #2 (Obs3 & Obs4) and final closeouts and inspection on all Observatories. Overall launch site integration work is proceeding smoothly on schedule.
As of January 15, 2015:
- Mini-Stack 1 (Observatories 1 & 2) were successfully fueled and pressurized for flight in a very smooth execution of the long planned fueling procedure. Kudos to the MMS Propulsion Team!
- Regression testing of the final MMS flight software loads was successfully completed on all 4 Observatories.
As of January 9, 2015:
- Pre-fueling Propulsion testing and set-ups are complete; fueling operations will commence on January 12th.
- Mini-Stack #1 (Observatories 1&2) is installed on the fueling dolly and pre-fueling metrology is complete.
- Solar Array illumination testing was completed on Mini-Stack #1.
As of December 19, 2014:
- 3 of the 4 Navigator unit are now installed on Observatories with the 4th being hand-carried down from GSFC today.
- All Solar Array cell inspections are complete.
- The MMS Project supported the Launch Vehicle Readiness Review (LVRR) at KSC this week.
- The Mission Operations Center (MOC) and Flight Software Sustaining engineering (FSSE) teams successfully completed dry-run the Observatory Flight Software (FSW) installation procedures on the spacecraft FlatSat in preparation for the actual FSW patches to the Observatories scheduled for next Monday.
As of November 20, 2014:
- All four MMS Observatories are now at Astrotech at CCAFS and the Functional Test of Observatory #4 is in progress this week. Launch site operations continue to proceed smoothly and on schedule. The Flight Operations Review/Operational Readiness Review (FOR/ORR) was completed this week. The Mission Operations Center (MOC) and Flight Software Sustaining Engineering (FSSE) teams successfully completed the remaining MRT-25 series to remotely load the operational flight keys to Observatories #3 and #4. The Space Network (SN) and MOC teams successfully completed the SN newly installed automated ground scheduling software. The MOC also successfully completed the Backup MOC telemetry and command interface and data flow test with WSC Programmable Telemetry Processors (PTPs).
As of November 13, 2014:
- All four MMS Observatories are now at Astrotech and preparations for Functional Testing of Observatories #3 and #4 are ongoing. Solar Array cell inspections are also ongoing with the vendor supporting on-site at Astrotech. All operations at the launch site continue to go very smoothly.
As of November 6, 2014:
- MMS Observatory #1 completed flight software loads and its Functional Test at AstroTech in Florida. Observatory #2 Functional Testing is in progress. All operations at AstroTech are going smoothly. Observatories #3 and #4 are being prepared for shipment. The MMS Mission Operations Center (MOC) successfully completed the Mission Readiness Tests (MRTs) to remotely load the operational flight keys to Observatories #1 and #2. Project preparations for the upcoming Flight Operations Review/Operational Readiness Review (FOR/ORR) continued this week.
As of October 23, 2014:
- Mass properties/spin balance is complete on all Observatories.
- Observatories # and #2 are stacked in a Mini-Stack and being bagged for shipment to the launch site Monday.
- The Navigator is being removed from Observatory #3 tomorrow and will join the other three in the navigator lab for the impending rework.
- The MMS Pre-Ship Review (PSR) will wrap up Friday morning with the caucus and out brief from the IRT.
As of October 16, 2014:
- The investigation into the recent Observatory #4 Side A Navigator (weak signal GPS system) anomaly has revealed a failure in a RAM-3 RF amplifier microcircuit in the same circuit location as had been previously experienced. A weakness in the design that stresses the part in this particular circuit location has now been identified that was not understood previously. A rework plan for all four Navigators is being validated by testing on the ETU and evaluation boards. All four will be removed, reworked, and reintegrated at the launch site. No impact to shipping or launch date.
- Mass properties/spin balance is complete on Observatories #1, #2 and #4 with #3 in progress this week.
- Mission Readiness Test #17 (MRT17), a series of instrument operation and commissioning activity rehearsals, was completed this week.
- Thermal Blanket closeouts and final metrology work continued this week on all Observatories.
As of September 18, 2014:
- MMS Observatory #1 completed mass properties testing and spin balance with excellent results well within allocations.
- 3 of 4 MMS Observatories now have Solar Arrays installed for flight.
- MMS Observatory #2 will complete final Comprehensive Performance Testing (CPT) Friday.
- A Launch and Early Orbit simulation with contingencies was completed last weekend using all four Observatories and with TDRSS and KSC participation.
As of September 11, 2014:
- MMS Observatory #1 is in mass properties/spin balance testing in the MMS 160 cleanroom.
- MMS Observatory #2 is completing Magnetometer Boom deployment testing and is being prepared for its final Comprehensive Performance Testing (CPT).
- MMS Observatory #3 had its Navigator reintegrated.
- MMS Observatory #4 is being utilized for Mission Readiness Test #17 (MRT) (Instrument commissioning and operation) this week.
- All four MMS Observatories will be configured and used for this weekend's launch simulation MRT which will include TDRSS and KSP-LSP participation.
As of August 14, 2014:
- The final acoustic test of Observatory #1 was completed.
- The last of 32 Fast Plasma Investigation (FPI) instruments was integrated onto Observatory #4.
- The second of four re-worked Navigator boxes was integrated to Observatory #4.
- A powered Launch Day simulation using all four MMS observatories was completed.
As of August 7, 2014:
- The Thermal-Vacuum (TVAC) test of Observatory #3 at NRL has been completed with no Observatory issues and the Observatory is now back at GSFC.
- All four MMS Observatories are being prepared for a powered Launch Day Simulation to be conducted Saturday.
- The last 2 of the 16 Spin Plane Double Probes (SDP) were integrated onto Observatory #2.
- Preparations for the acoustic tests of Observatories #1 and #2 on 8/11 and 8/16 is in progress.
As of July 31, 2014:
- The Thermal-Vacuum (TVAC) test of Observatory #3 at NRL has been completed with no Observatory issues. High voltage testing of the instruments was completed as planned.
- The Navigator reintegration to Observatory #2 is in progress.
- Thermal blanket closeouts continued on Observatories 1, 2, and 4.
As of July 24, 2014:
- The Thermal-Vacuum (TVAC) test of Observatory #3 at NRL is ongoing with no Observatory issues.
- The Navigator has been reintegrated to Observatory #1.
- Dual Ion Spectrometer (DIS) FM12 completed testing at MSFC and delivered to GSFC last week, ahead of schedule, and has been integrated and tested on Observatory #2. FM11 is in test at MSFC, the last outstanding Fast Plasma Investigation (FPI) instrument, and will be delivered to Observatory integration the second week of August at the latest.
- Mission Readiness Test 9c (MRT-9c/Orbit-in-the-Life) was executed successfully on Observatory #3 during the TVAC test last Friday.
As of July 17, 2014:
- The Thermal-Vacuum (TVAC) test of Observatory #3 at NRL is ongoing with no Observatory issues but we continue to troubleshoot a small nitrogen leak in the chamber which prevents reaching the required low pressure for upcoming high voltage operation.
- Mission Readiness Test #9c (MRT-9c) which simulates an orbit-in-the-life starts early Friday on Observatory #3 during TVAC.
- Planned Fault Detection and Correction (FDC) system testing was completed on Observatory #1.
- Instrument Mass Memory Module (MMM) testing (verifies and maps integrity of entire memory) continued on Observatory #4.
As of July 10, 2014:
- The TVAC test of Observatory #3 is in progress at NRL. All testing has gone extremely well. Thermal Blanket work continued on Observatory #2 as well as
preparations for installation of the last SDPs, EDIs and DIS in the next two weeks and EDI #2 was integrated on Observatory #2 this week. EDI 3 & 6 and SDP 3 & 4 were installed on Observatory #1. Magnetic calibration of the Battery was completed on Observatory #4. Flash testing of Observatory 1,2, and 4 Solar Array Panels in GSFC building 20 continued this week with no issues (currently removed from Observatories). During Observatory #3 TVAC testing we continue to run the other Observatories in parallel to complete outstanding CIDP Mass Memory Module (MMM) tests and increase the powered run-time hours on select subsystems. The Mission Operations Center/Science Operations Center (MOC/SOC) and System teams continued planning and preparing for multiple upcoming readiness tests. Mission readiness test #9c (MRT-9c) which simulates an orbit-in-the-life will be run next week on Observatory #3 during TVAC.
As of June 5, 2014:
- The Flight Battery was installed and charged on MMS #4 and magnetic cancellation loop test is planned for Friday. Thermal Blanket installation continues in preparation for thermal-vacuum testing on MMS #3. Temperature testing of Propulsion thermostats in progress on MMS #2. The Solar Arrays and a Spin Plane Double Probe (SDP) unit were removed from MMS #1 for planned testing. Alignment and metrology measurements also continued on MMS #1.
As of May 29, 2014:
- Post Stacked Vibration test Functional Test was successfully completed on Observatory #1. Observatory #3 is being prepared for the upcoming thermal-vacuum test with Solar Array installation planned for 5/30 and final flight software load scheduled for next Monday. Post environmental testing work continues on Observatories #2 and #4
As of May 1, 2014:
- Z-axis and X-axis stacked vibration testing was completed successfully. The Y-axis test will commence tomorrow. Prior to the test a launch day operational simulation will be run. MMS should complete the vibration testing and be back in the Whitehouse cleanroom for shock testing on May 6, a few days ahead of schedule. The Mission Operations Center (MOC) and FSW
Sustaining Engineering (FSSE) teams successfully conducted the Ground System Readiness Test 3a (GSRT-3a) with FlatSat which was configured to emulate each of the 4 MMS spacecraft.
As of April 17, 2014:
- All four MMS Observatories are stacked, bagged, and ready for the sinusoidal vibration testing which is scheduled for Monday.
As of April 10, 2014
- The four MMS Observatories are stacked for the start of vibration testing next week. The stack metrology was completed as was the Launch And Separation (LAS) Harness installation. Removal of the solar array covers is in progress which will be followed by contamination control bagging of the stack.
As of March 20, 2014:
- Observatory #1 is on the Rotation GSE in the Whitehouse cleanroom prepared for the Stacked Vibration Test. The Magnetometer Boom Alignment checks were completed this week.
- Observatory #2 is being prepared for Stacked Vibration Testing and is having accelerometers installed this week.
- Observatory #3 is in EMI/EMC testing
- Observatory #4 is being transported back to GSFC from NRL today
As of January 9, 2014:
- Overall the Project has made excellent progress since our last report with completion of Observatory #2 thermal-vacuum testing, completion of acoustics testing and Magnetometer Boom deployments on Observatory #4, the start of thermal-vacuum (TVAC) testing of Observatory #1, and the completion of two Mission Readiness Tests (MRTs) occurring during the interim.
As of December 5, 2013:
- Observatory #2 is in thermal-vacuum (TVAC) testing at NRL.
- Observatory #1 is at NRL being prepared for TVAC testing and is undergoing a Functional Test this week.
- Observatory #4 completed EMI/EMC/Magnetic Dipole testing.
- Observatory #3 Magnetometer Boom integration 2nd/3rd deployment motion testing was completed and had the latest Instrument (CIDP) software loaded.
As of November 14, 2013:
- Observatory #2 is progressing through thermal-balance testing at NRL with excellent results.
- Observatory #1 is in final preparation for TVAC testing.
- Observatory #4 completed an FPI End-to-End test and is now in the EMI/EMC test chamber.
- Observatory #3 has its Magnetometer Boom integration in progress.
As of November 1, 2013:
- Observatory #2 is moving into the NRL Thermal-Vacuum chamber shortly for Thermal-Balance (TB) testing followed by Thermal Vacuum (TVAC) testing.
- Observatory #1 continues with final close-outs in preparation for the move to NRL later this month
As of October 24, 2013:
- Thermal Balance dry run #2 at NRL completed and Observatory #2 installed into GSE and ready to move into chamber for test starting 10/30/2013.
- Observatory #4 Functional Test successfully executed.
- Preparations for upcoming Mission Readiness Tests (MRT) resumed with a dry run for MRT8 (SDP Boom Deploy) conducted this week and a dry run of MRT9b (Orbit-in-the-Life) on schedule for Monday.
As of September 26, 2013:
- A key MMS milestone was met this week with the shipment of Observatory #2 to the Navy Research Lab (NRL) and commencement of the first pre thermal-vacuum functional test of an observatory at NRL controlled from GSFC.
- Observatory #2 completed thermal blanket close-outs at GSFC, and Electrical Ground Support Equipment (EGSE) hookup and a Command and Data Handling (C&DH) flight software load at NRL.
- Observatory #1 completed propulsion system tank dry out, Orbital Debris Shield installation, Fault Detection and Correction (FDC) testing, thermal-vacuum procedure dry runs and an Axial Double Probe (ADP) boom Launch Latch fasteners torque check.
- Observatory #3 completed an Acceleration Measuring System (AMS) polarity test, and bonding and test accelerometer installation is on-going.
- Observatory #4 thermal blanket work was on-going.
As of September 12, 2013:
- On Observatory # 1 the post-test inspection of the propulsion system stand-offs/tie-down was completed with no issues and the Observatory is back on the rotation table in preparation for Magnetometer Boom deployment tests.
- Observatory #2 is being prepared for thermal-vacuum testing at NRL. Shipment will be 9/23 or 9/24.
- On Observatory #4 a full complement of Fast Plasma Investigation (FPI) instruments has been integrated and a functional test has been completed.
As of August 8, 2013:
- The magnetic characterization (pendulum) test of Observatory #1 was completed with excellent results (∼50nT).
- Observatory #1's Propulsion tanks were filled with water in preparation for vibration testing.
- Thruster metrology completed on Observatory #3 as well as continued thermal and harness closeouts.
As of July 19, 2013:
- Observatory #1 had Flight Software V3.9 loaded on Monday and is now in EMI/EMC testing which has been going well and should wrap-up on Friday. Observatory #2 completed its initial Comprehensive Performance Test (CPT). Next week Observatories #1 and #2 will be mated for a mini-stack Separation System shock test.
As of July 11, 2013:
- The MMS Mission Operations Review (MOR) was completed on June 28 and was very successful. Observatory #1 was buttoned up with the installation of the Launch and Separation (LAS) harness installation and has now successfully completed acoustics testing. Observatory #1 is being configured for EMI/EMC testing and after the completion of Aliveness Testing this week will be moved to the EMI/EMC test chamber on Monday. The Functional Test was successfully run on Observatory #3 with the test being completed in less than the scheduled time. Observatory #2 has had its Solar Arrays installed and the thruster alignment and shimming is in progress. The Magnetometer Booms were installed on Observatory # 4.
As of July 1, 2013:
- In an encore performance to the PER the MMS Ground and Operations Team sailed through their MOR last week. They received a passing grade and many compliments on the amazing amount of progress since their CDR.
As of June 13, 2013:
- The first Comprehensive Performance Test (CPT) on Observatory #1 was completed ahead of schedule by two days and was very successful. Only minor problems and issues were encountered which was a testament to the preparations and skill of the team.
As of May 30, 2013:
- A major milestone was reached this past week with the integration of the fourth Instrument Suite onto Observatory #3 giving MMS FOUR Observatories!
As of May 2, 2013:
- This week a flurry of activities were undertaken on Observatory #1 including the installation of the Axial Double Probe Boom (ADP) Receiving Element, movement of the observatory from the Aronson table to the dolly, magnetometer boom 2nd and 3rd stage deployments, magnetometer instrument functional testing, installation of Fast Plasma Investigation (FPI) instruments and installation of the X-box. On Observatory #2 the Navigator, Acceleration Measuring System (AMS) and Star Sensor flight software updates were installed, the battery loop harness was installed and magnetometer boom installation commenced. On Observatory #4 optical bench alignment measurements were taken and Comprehensive Performance Test (CPT) dry runs continued. On Observatory #3 the electrical integration of the Engine Valve Driver (EVD) to propulsion system was completed and the AMS was integrated and functionally tested.
As of April 19, 2013:
- Progress continued on integration and test of all four MMS Observatories. The fourth propulsion module was integrated to Observatory #3, completing the delivery and integration of all MMS Propulsion Modules. NASA KSC has confirmed that MMS is baselined on the manifest for an October 2014 launch.
As of January 10, 2013:
- As the year begins the MMS main cleanroom has work in progress on all four Observatories in various stages of assembly and test, with two of those being integrated Observatories at this point.
As of December 14, 2012:
- EMI/EMC testing of Observatory #1 has provided excellent results. No problems requiring fixes have been uncovered and the test has verified the design requirements for a very high level of electromagnetic cleanliness have been met!
- The 2nd Instrument Suite (IS) was delivered and integrated onto Spacecraft #2 resulting in MMS Observatory #2.
- Propulsion Module #4 was completed and is being moved into I&T for proof pressure testing this weekend.
As of November 15, 2012:
- On Observatory #1 the Navigator Front End Electronics (FEA), GPS Antennas, and the Axial Double Probe (ADP) Simulator were integrated as work continues toward the risk-reduction EMI/EMC test in early December.
- The Energetic Ion Spectrometer (EIS) was also swapped out on Observatory #1 with the flight unit now installed.
- A successful Thruster firing test was performed on Spacecraft #2 as was functional testing of the Acceleration Measurement System (AMS).
- Spacecraft #4 had its Power System and Engine Valve Drive Electronic Systems (PSEES) Command and Data Handing (CDH) flight units installed along with the flight Battery, a Transponder, and the Digital Sun Sensors (DSS).
- The Observatory #3 structure was disassembled after the completion of the structural qualification program in preparation for bake-outs, a number of local interface pull tests, and then delivery of the Thrust Tube to the Propulsion Team and the Decks to I&T.
- The Central Instrument Data Processor (CIDP) #3, the flight unit for Observatory #2, was integrated onto Instrument Suite (IS) #2.
- A successful PSR for Dual Electron Spectrometer (DES) suite #2 was conducted this week.
- The first fully qualified Electron Drift Instrument/Gun Detector Unit (EDI/GDU) (FM1) was delivered to GSFC this week and has been integrated to IS#2 with electrical integration underway.
As of November 8, 2012:
- The Fly's Eye Energetic Particle Sensors (FEEPS) instrument was integrated to Observatory #1 last Friday and the electrical integration of Instrument
Suite (IS) #1 to Observatory #1 was completed this week.
- Compatibility testing with the Space Network (SN) was completed using Spacecraft #2, the testing included an end-to-end testing that included both the MMS Mission Operations Center (MOC) and Science Operations Center (SOC).
- The Central Instrument Data Processor (CIDP) functional testing on Observatory #1 will start Friday.
- Energetic Ion Spectrometer (EIS) FM#3 was delivered and is ready for integration to Observatory #1 early next week.
- On IS #2 the EIS Limited Functional Test, the Hot Plasma Composition Analyzer (HPCA) Aliveness test, and the Fast Plasma Investigation (FPI) Instrument Data
Processing Unit (IDPU) regression testing was completed.
As of November 1, 2012:
- MMS weathered hurricane Sandy with no issues, the hardware remained dry and cleanrooms remained within specification.
- Work was suspended on the weekend and was not resumed until Wednesday, thus this is an abbreviated weekly report.
- The Axial Double Probe (ADP) receiving Element (RE) post acoustics deployment test was conducted as was the first motion deploy test on the Magnetometer Boom on Observatory #3.
- Installation work of Fly's Eye Energetic Particle Sensors (FEEPS) on Observatory #1 was started, as was preparation for the Instrument Suite (IS) electrical integration.
- Version 1.0 (hardware and software) of the MMS Training Simulator (MTS) was delivered to the MOC this week.
- Preparations are in work for a Space Network (SN) Compatibility test with Observatory #1 starting this Saturday.
As of October 25, 2012:
- Instrument Suite (IS) #1 has been successfully installed on Spacecraft #1 resulting in the first MMS Observatory!
- The Project presented current status and the results of the System Integration Review to the NASA APMC and was approved to progress into Phase D.
- The Acceptance Review for IS #1 was successfully completed, clearing the way for the electrical integration and testing of the now installed IS on Observatory #1.
- Progress continued on Spacecraft #2 and IS#2 integration as well as harness installation on Spacecraft Deck #4.
- Acoustics testing was completed on Observatory #3 structure.
- Across the board progress continues on schedule for Observatory #3 and #4 instruments and spacecraft subsystems.
As of October 11, 2012:
- This week the Spacecraft Team pressed hard, working double shifts starting Monday, to perform the integration of PSEES #1 onto Spacecraft #1 in order to recover from the need to remove PSEES #1 to replace the failed RS422 receiver chip.
- The work on Spacecraft #1 is running ahead of the planned recovery schedule.
- The RS422 chip is currently at the manufacturer for testing.
- Concurrently with the Spacecraft #1 work two other major milestones were completed this week, also both enabled by the teams working double shifts to hold the schedule; the vibration testing of Observatory #3 structure and the mating of the Propulsion Module #2 with Spacecraft Deck #2, which resulted in the completion of a second MMS spacecraft bus.
- Another milestone of a slightly different nature was also achieved this week, that being the delivery of the last flight Power Supply Electronics (PSE) Monitor Card (PMC) a major milestone as it officially concludes the manufacturing/assembly effort of all the MMS flight power system cards.
- During this period, a total of 64 cards were manufactured by Stellar and BAE, tested by GSFC personnel, and conformal coated by SAIC and Orbital.
- The amount and complexity of work required to coordinate and orchestrate this effort successfully was, simply put, astounding, and is furthermore, typical of the efforts required to create four MMS Observatories nearly simultaneously.
- Instrument Suite #1 is ready and waiting for integration with Spacecraft #1.
- A full set of FPI DES, an IDPU, and the first DIS were delivered to IS #2 integration this week in support of ongoing integration.
As of October 4, 2012:
- Good progress continues on Spacecraft #1 and #2 as well as Instrument Suites (IS) #1 and #2 this past week.
- Unfortunately a problem was encountered on Spacecraft #1 during the final preparations for Instrument Suite (IS) #1 integration.
- The Power System and Engine Valve Drive Electronic Systems (PSEES) #1 on Spacecraft #1 has suffered an apparent failure in a RS422 receiver chip.
- Root cause is currently under investigation with ESD being the prime but unconfirmed suspect.
- The failed RS422 channel is actually unused but other inputs on the same chip are used in flight.
- The in-work recovery plan swaps PSEES #1 out for PSEES #3 and this delays IS #1 integration until late October.
- The IS Team will use the extra time for get-ahead work as there are a variety of tasks that would have been conducted after integration that can now be conducted beforehand.
- Acceleration Measurement System (AMS) #2 has been mechanically and electrically integrated to Spacecraft #2.
- Assembly and mass properties measurements were completed on the first flight boom for ship set 1 boom and the second boom mass properties will be completed by Friday.
- Flight Transponder #4 was integrated and electrically tested on Spacecraft #2, completing the avionics complement on the second spacecraft.
- Spacecraft #2 and Propulsion Module #2 are having final harness work performed in preparation for their mating next week.
- The vibration testing of Observatory #3 flight structure is ongoing with Z-axis complete and X and Y planned for the next few days.
- A successful Pre-Ship review was successfully conducted at UNH for Spin Plane Double Probe (SDP) ship set #1.
- Fast Plasma Investigation (FPI) Dual Ion Spectrometer (DIS) FM3 and FM4 were delivered to the IS I&T Team and incoming inspections were completed in preparation for installation on IS Deck #2
As of September 27, 2012:
- Work continued across the board on Spacecraft #1 and #2 as well as Instrument Suites (IS) #1 and #2 this past week.
- The swap of Command and Data Handling (CDH) FM#1 (CDH FM#1 requires some long-planned minor rework) for CDH FM#3 was completed and Spacecraft #1 is now ready for the integration of Instrument Suite #1 which commences next week.
- IS #1 completed the Burst Data testing and will be bagged this weekend for the move to the MMS cleanroom Monday.
- Also occurring this weekend is the set-up of the Observatory structure #3 vibration test in the vibration test cell.
- A Test Readiness Review (TRR) was held for the Risk-Reduction EMI/EMC test planned for Observatory #1 in November.
- A Navigator GPS Front End Electronics Assembly (FEA) failure at the vendor, Delta Microwave (DM), is now thought to be a result of a bad RF cable that instigated an internal oscillation that then resulted in FET failure.
- This is still under investigation and extra expert help has been brought in to chase this to ground.
- The Fast Plasma Investigation (FPI) successfully completed the Instrument Data processing Unit (IDPU ) FM2 PSR Close-Out Review.
- The Project will present status and SIR results to the SMD DPMC MMS KDP-D meeting on Friday.
As of September 21, 2012:
- Work continued on both Spacecraft #1 and #2 as well as Instrument Suites #1 and #2 this past week.
- Spacecraft #1 is being prepared for the upcoming mate with Instrument Suite (IS) #1 which will be proceeded by a swap of Command and Data Handling (CDH) FM#1 for FM#3 which has now been completed testing.
- CDH FM#1 requires some long-planned minor rework.
- The third Power System and Engine Valve Drive Electronic Systems (PSEES) flight unit completed its thermal-vacuum testing and will move into I&T for limited EMI/EMC testing.
- As part of the preparation for qualification vibro-acoustic testing on Observatory #3 structure a successful first motion deploy of the Magnetometer Boom was performed as was a full deployment of the Axial Double Probe (ADP) Receiving Element (RE).
- Having completed Comprehensive Performance Testing (CPT) last week IS#1 is now in final mechanical and electrical closeout activities in preparation for delivery to Observatory #1 next week.
- A partial suite of Fields instruments was delivered to IS #2 integration and is undergoing incoming bench testing.
As of August 23, 2012:
- Integration work continued on Spacecrafts #1 and #2 and Instrument Suites (IS) #1 and #2 while the Project focused on preparing for next week’s SIR.
- The SIR briefing charts will be posted by COB tomorrow.
- On Spacecraft #1 the electrical integration of the Propulsion System to the Command and Data Handling (CDH) unit was completed, the Propulsion functional test was run using the ESGE, and the electrical integration of the Engine Valve Drive (EVD) to the Propulsion System is in progress.
- On Spacecraft #2 the second Transponder and RF switch completed electrical integration and the Optical Benches were installed.
- CDH flight unit #3 competed vibration testing at APL and has returned to GSFC to begin thermal-vacuum testing.
- All of the Power Supply Electronics (PSE) flight unit #3 boards which were removed for screening of suspect Micropac Opto-MOSFETs have been reinstalled in the PSE and when the Engine Valve Driver (EVD) boards complete their screening the Power System and Engine Valve Drive Electronic Systems (PSEES) will resume thermal-vacuum testing.
- A Test Readiness Review (TRR) for the Comprehensive Performance Test (CPT) of IS #1 was successfully conducted Thursday, the test is in early September, and this week all saw the completion of the verification of all IS interfaces.
- Spin Plane Double Probes (SDP) flight units #5 and #6 were integrated onto IS #1.
- The Central Instrument Data Processor (CIDP) #2 was integrated on IS Deck #2 for use in initial testing.
- On the MMS Ground Systems side an initial interface test was successfully conducted on the Mission Operations Center (MOC)/Science Operations Center (SOC) operational network.
As of August 16, 2012:
- The Mini-Stack (MMS Obs. #3 & #4 structures) completed acoustic testing with good results and the structures have been de-stacked.
- Observatory structure #4 was disassembled and the Thrust Tube will be delivered to the propulsion team by the week's end for the third propulsion Module.
- Navigator #1 was installed on Spacecraft Bus #1.
- Functional testing of the Propulsion Module (now integral to spacecraft #1) is ongoing.
- The flight Transponder #3 was installed on spacecraft bus #2.
- The Command and Data Handling (C&DH) to Power System and Engine Valve Drive Electronic Systems (PSEES) electrical integration on spacecraft bus #2 was completed.
- The operational (Restricted IOnet) network connection between the Mission Operations center (MOC) at
GSFC and the Science Operations Center (SOC) at LASP was completed and checked out.
- The project has established and is implementing a plan to test/rescreen PSEES #1 for suspect Micropac Opto-MOSFETs; the plan involves swapping PSEES #3 (already screened) for PSEES #1 on spacecraft #1.
- On Instrument Suite (IS) #1 Regression testing with FM1 CIDP on Deck#1 (which replaced FM2 last week) across the IS has been successfully completed.
- The Spin-plane Double Probes (SDP) FM3 and FM4, and Electron Drift Instrument-Gun Detector Unit (EDI-GDU) FM2 were delivered to I&T on Monday; all units passed inspections, bench tests and magnetic cleanliness tests.
- The SDPs were mechanically integrated.
- Real-time telemetry data flow from IS I&T at GSFC to the Fields Team at UNH was demonstrated during integration tests, this was a key milestone.
- IS I&T received DIS FM5; the Fast Plasma Investigation (FPI) suite on Deck #1 now has four flight Dual Electron Spectrometers (DES), a flight Interface Data processor Unit (IDPU) and one Dual Ion Spectrometer (DES).
- A successful Pre-Ship Review for CIDP FM1 was conducted at SwRI by the IIRT.
- Preparations for the upcoming mission SIR continue.
As of August 2, 2012:
- A very successful peer review was conducted on the MMS Training System (MTS) which will be used to train and prepare for the simultaneous flight operation of four Observatories.
- The Acceleration Measurement System (AMS) was installed in Propulsion Module #1 which was subsequently lifted onto the Spacecraft #1 Deck.
- This major operation went smoothly but the Propulsion Module will be lifted off to adjust positioning Mechanical Ground Support Equipment (MGSE), due to a minor problem, before it is returned and torqued in place.
- Navigator #1 completed thermal-balance/thermal-vacuum testing.
- The third flight transponder was delivered to GSFC.
- Modal testing of the Mini-Stack (two MMS Observatory Structures) was completed and the Mini-Stack is being prepared for acoustics testing.
- The last flight Communication Antenna, 6 of 6, completed its testing.
- Instrument Suite (IS) #1 completed the Fast Plasma Investigation (FPI) Comprehensive
Functional Test (CFT) and installed the Fly’s Eye Energetic Particle Sensor #T on the Deck.
- Flight CIDP #1 was delivered to GSFC and will replace CIDP #2 on IS #1.
- Acceptance testing of the Search Coil Magnetometers #2 and #3 was completed at UNH.
- It was decided, after investigation and testing, that a simple fix involving adding a resistor to the Gun Detector Unit (GDU) filament board should alleviate the recent problems and assembly and testing has resumed.
As of July 26, 2012:
- The MMS Systems Integration Review (SIR) readiness assessment was completed and a determination was made that MMS should proceed with the SIR as planned in late August.
- Integration and development activities continued with good progress on all fronts.
- The Accelerometer Measuring System (AMS) was delivered, thermal hardware installed, and bake-out completed in preparation for its integration into Propulsion System/Thrust Tube #1.
- Spacecraft #1 harness preparation was completed for the AMS mechanical and electrical integration.
- Spacecraft #2 build-up continued with the completion of the I&T Battery electrical integration and charging.
- Modal testing commenced on the mini-stack of mated Observatories #3 and #4 structures.
- A plan forward was developed to mitigate the opto-MOSFET failure observed in PSEES #3 during thermal-vacuum testing which includes part replacement, further testing of flight spare parts and voltage measurements on subsequent flight boards.
- Final integration and functional testing of the Fast Plasma Investigation (FPI) Dual Electron Spectrometers (DES) was completed on
Instrument Suite (IS) #1.
- The Central Instrument Data Processor (CIDP) FM#1 started its final Comprehensive Performance Test (CPT) prior to delivery.
- Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) replacement and retrofit was completed for FPI Dual Ion Spectrometer (DIS) FM#1 through FM#3.
- University of New Hampshire (UNH) successfully completed cold deployment of the Spin Plane Double Probe FM#3 and FM#4.
- Instrument Suite Deck #2 wire routing and thermistor bonding was completed.
As of July 19, 2012:
Integration and development activities continued with excellent progress this week, highlights included:
- Mission:
- The Space Network (SN) presented the results of their study of MMS’s use of TDRS Extended Elliptical Field Of View (EEFOV) with all positive findings and a plan-forward regarding meeting this key MMS requirement.
- The Mission SIR Kick-off and Readiness-to-Proceed meetings were held with the MMS SRB and MMS is on-track for SIR in late August.
- Spacecraft:
- Spacecraft #2 was powered up with the Command & Data Handling (C&DH), Power Systems and Engine Valve Drive Electronics Systems (PSEES), and I&T Battery now installed, something of a milestone for MMS as we for the first time had two spacecraft powered up simultaneously.
- The Mini-Stack of mated Observatories #3 and #4 was moved to the modal test facility and testing has commenced.
- Navigator #1 is in thermal vacuum testing with good results thus far.
- The Acceptance Review was conducted successfully for Propulsion Module #1.
- Instrument Suite:
- Integration of the Fast Plasma Investigation (FPI) suite continued on Instrument Suite (IS) #1, the FPI Instrument Data Processing Unit (IDPU) FM#1 (second flight unit completed and on IS#1) finished environmental testing successfully, the Central Instrument Data Processor (CIDP) FM#1 completed retesting after a recalled EEE part was replaced (FM#2 is already on IS#1), Fly’s Eye Energetic Particle Sensors (FEEPS) FM3 and 4 completed vibration testing, and a PER was successfully held for the Fields Central Electronics Box (CEB) FM#2.
As of June 27, 2012:
Integration and development activities continued this week highlights included:
- Mission:
- Space Network (SN) successfully compatibility testing was completed including end-to-end testing from Spacecraft #1 to TDRS (via CTV antenna) to White Sands to the MMS MOC.
- Spacecraft:
- Observatory Structures #3 and #4 were stacked and mated with a flight clamp-band and the separation shock testing was successfully executed.
- C&DH #2 continued EMI/C testing and PSEES #3 is in vibration testing.
- Instrument Suite:
- Thermal-vacuum testing is ongoing for DES FM9 and FM10 and vibration testing is scheduled to begin Friday for DES FM7 and FM8.
- FPI IPDU FM1 was delivered and integrated onto Instrument Suite (IS) #1.
- HPCA successfully completed the Initial Calibration test of FM2.
As of June 21, 2012:
Integration and development activities continued this week.
- Spacecraft:
- Preparations continue for the mating of the Propulsion Module and Spacecraft Deck #1 with a walk down of the Deck being performed this week.
- EMI/C testing of C&DH #2 continues.
- PSEES #3 is at APL for vibration testing.
- The Mag-Boom Qualification Unit successfully completed thermal balance and a hot/cold deploy test. FSW Build 3.6 (final planned release) was completed and released to the test team.
- Instrument Suite:
- Fields integration testing was completed on Instrument Suite #1.
- SDP #3 and #4 completed vibration and deployment testing successfully.
- Overall final assembly and testing continues across the entire spectrum of MMS instruments for Observatories 2 thru 4 with instruments for Observatory #1 all in final testing and checkout.
As of June 14, 2012:
- Integration and development activities continued this week; Two Spin Plane Double Probe (SDP) non-flight units were installed and operated on Instrument Suite (IS) #1 and a 3 m simulated deploy test was performed using the Axial Double Probe (ADP) simulator.
- Functional testing of the now integrated Fields flight hardware is ongoing.
- Fast Plasma Investigation (FPI) Suite-level testing was begun this week with delivery to IS #1 expected next week.
- The EMI/EMC issues with the Central Instrument Data Processor (CIDP) FM#1 were resolved and it moved on to vibration testing which was successfully completed.
- Fast Plasma Investigation (FPI) suite-level testing (1st flight suite) has begun.
- Final preparatory work continues on Propulsion Module #1 in the MMS cleanroom with installation onto the Spacecraft Deck targeted for 2-3 weeks from now.
- The Mission Operations Center (MOC) successfully conducted the first live telemetry and command flow with Spacecraft #1 in I&T.
- Also ongoing this week; Command and Data handling FM#2 is undergoing EMI/EMC testing, Navigator FM#1 is being installed in the Building 11 thermal-vacuum chamber, and the Mag Boom Qualification Unit is undergoing thermal-vacuum testing.
As of May 17, 2012:
- Across the board integration is in progress for Observatory #1 instrument and spacecraft systems while the production and testing of instruments and subsystems for Observatories #2 thru #4 continues.
- Integration continued on spacecraft #1 with the completion of the integration and functional testing of the Digital Sun Sensors and RF Switch as well as in-situ EMI/EMC testing of the Transponder harness modifications.
- Command and Data Handling FM2 completed vibration testing and is being loaded into the thermal-vacuum chamber while EMI/EMC testing continues on both Navigator FM1 and Power System and Engine Valve Driver Electronics Systems (PSEES) FM2.
- The Mag Boom qualification sine vibration testing was successfully completed.
- Instrument Suite (IS) # 1 integration continued with the very successful Pre Ship Review of the Hot Plasma Composition Analyzer FM1 which will arrive I&T on Monday, the relocation of Instrument Suite I&T to the Spacecraft Checkout
and Integration Area (SCA) cleanroom which is dedicated to this activity, and the continuing Fields Interface Testing (FIT) at UNH.
As of April 26, 2012:
- Across the board integration is in progress for Observatory #1 instrument and spacecraft systems while the production and testing of instruments and subsystems for Observatories #2 thru #4 continues.
- The High Capacity Centrifuge (HCC) qualification load test of the MMS primary structure was successfully completed this week.
- Integration work continued on Spacecraft #1 with the completion of the Engine Valve Driver (EVD) integration and Optical Bench (OB) installation currently ongoing.
- Navigator (NAV) #1, Command and Data Handling (C&DH) #2, and Power System and Engine Valve Drive Electronic Systems (PSEES) #2 are all preparing to start environmental testing next week, although the schedule and order of tests remains fluid due to oversubscribed test facilities.
- Instrument Deck # 1 completed bake-out and has been turned over to the Instrument Suite (IS) I&T team whomare preparing to start I&T at GSFC with the arrival of the Central Instrument Data Processor (CIDP) on Monday.
- A successful Pre-Ship Review (PSR) for all four Energetic Ion Spectrometer (EIS) flight units was held this week at APL.
- Good progress is being made by the Space Network (SN) and the MMS Flight Operations Team (FOT) on MMS TDRSS EEFOV requirements and solutions for meeting them.
As of April 19, 2012:
- Across the board integration is in progress for Observatory #1 instrument and spacecraft systems while the production and testing of instruments and subsystems for Observatories #2 thru #4 continues on schedule.
- Key accomplishments on the Instrument Suite (IS) included: Arrival of the Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) I&T team and the Instrument Suite (IS) support equipment at GSFC, the arrival of the first two Active Spacecraft
Potential Control (ASPOC) flight instrument to GSFC for SwRI integration to IS #1, successful vibration testing of Dual Electron Spectrometer (DES) flight units #4 and #5, and delivery of the first 4 Axial Double Probe (ADP) Booms from ATK to LASP.
- Key accomplishments on the spacecraft bus included: The first, and most critical, run of the High Capacity Centrifuge (HCC) testing of the MMS primary structure was successfully completed, the electrical integration of the Engine Valve Driver (EVD) on Observatory #1 was completed, the bake-out of Instrument Suite (IS) Deck #1 was started after the Optically Selective Reflector (OSR) rework was completed, the two Digital Sun Sensors (DSS) for Observatory #1
were delivered into I&T, Navigator #1 completed EMI/EMC testing, and the Power System and Engine Valve Drive Electronic Systems (PSEES) flight unit #2 for Observatory #2 started EMI/EMC acceptance testing. Progress continued on the installation of the Propulsion Tanks into Observatory #1¹s Propulsion Module.
As of April 12, 2012:
- Across the board integration is in progress for Observatory #1 instrument and spacecraft systems while the production and testing of instruments and subsystems for Observatories #2 thru #4 continues on schedule.
- Key accomplishments on the Instrument Suite included: Instrument Suite (IS) Deck #1 delivery to GSFC from Southwest Research (SwRI), IS I&T will resume at GSFC after the Optically Selective Reflectors (OSRs) are reworked on the Deck next week. The redesign of the Spin Plane Double Probe (SDP) Boom Wire incorporating a launch-phase wire clamping mechanism was successfully peer reviewed this week after its successful vibration testing. The Fast Plasma Investigation (FPI) Dual Electron Spectrometers (DES) flight unit #5 and #6 completed beam and EMI/EMC testing. Successful assembly and initial electrical testing of the Central Instrument Data Processor (CIDP) flight unit #2.
- Key accomplishments on the spacecraft bus included: The start of the High Capacity Centrifuge (HCC) testing of the MMS primary structure, which is in progress. The completion of the installation and electrical integration of flight Transponder #1. The integration of I&T Battery #1. The completion of thermal-vacuum testing of the Power System and Engine Valve drive Electronics Systems (PSEES) flight unit #2. The preparation of Observatory structure #4 for modal and spin balance testing.
As of March 15, 2012:
- Integration of the 1st spacecraft bus is ongoing and progress continues in all areas of MMS spacecraft subsystem and instrument flight manufacturing and testing with flight units for Observatories 1 thru 4 proceeding thru various stages of assembly and acceptance testing.
- Key instrument accomplishments included ongoing Integration and Test (I&T) activities on Instrument Suite Deck #1 at SwRI, completion of the of the Fly’s Eye Energetic Particle Sensors (FEEPS) Pre Ship Review (PSR), arrival of the Active Spacecraft Potential Control (ASPOC) flight units at SwRI, progress on finalizing the design of the Spin-Plane Double Probe (SDP) boom wire radial clamp design, the ongoing successful calibration at MSFC of the Dual Electron Spectrometer (DIS) flight units #1 and #2.
- Key accomplishments on the spacecraft bus included installation of the flight Command and Data Handling (C&DH) flight unit on spacecraft #1 and the start of its electrical integration, the completion of the vibration testing of the Power System and Engine Valve Driver Electronic Systems (PSEES) flight unit #2 and its installation into the thermal-vacuum chamber for testing, .and the ongoing successful Formation Flying test Bed (FFTB) testing of Navigator flight unit #1.
As of February 9, 2012:
- This week saw the MMS mission achieve a major milestone on our path to a successful mission. The Ground System CDR was held this week and was a smashing success. The review encompassed our ground systems, our flight operations, and all the aspects of our flight dynamics planning and operations. MMS is one of, if not the most, challenging mission GSFC has ever taken on with respect to ground systems and flight operations and your colleagues on the Ground and FDOA teams demonstrated this week that they are clearly up to the challenge.
- Key instrument accomplishments included completion of the Hot Plasma Composition Analyzer (HPCA) flight unit #1 thermal-vacuum testing, the completion of Central Instrument Data Processor flight software version 3.0.15 acceptance testing, successful vibration testing of Observatory #1 Axial Double Probe (ADP) Receiving Elements (RE), and the beginning of thermal-vacuum testing of Dual Electron Spectrometer (DES) flight units #1 and #3.
- Progress was made on the spacecraft bus, highlights included the installation of the Power System and Engine Valve Drive Electronic Systems (PSEES) #1 onto Spacecraft #1 Deck and the start of electrical integration, the continuation of thermal-vacuum testing of Command and Data Handling (C&DH) flight unit #1, the shipment of Star Sensors #3 and #4 to GSFC, and the completion of static load pull testing of Thrust Tube #3.
As of January 19, 2012:
- Progress continues in all areas of spacecraft and instrument flight manufacturing and testing with flight units proceeding thru various stages of acceptance testing. Key accomplishments include a successful Fields Central Electronics Box (CEB) Pre Environmental Review (PER), completion of the Power System and Engine Valve Drive Electronics Systems (PSEES) Flight #1 thermal-vacuum testing, and the beginning of spacecraft #1 Deck integration work in the MMS Clean Room. The Instrument Suite remains on schedule for a September delivery to the Observatory.
As of January 12, 2012:
- Progress continues in all areas of spacecraft and instrument flight manufacturing and testing with flight units proceeding thru various stages of acceptance testing. Key accomplishments include the delivery of Spacecraft Deck#1 and Harness#1 to Integration & Test, completion of vibration testing of Digital Sun Sensor (DSS) #1 and #2, completion of Hot Plasma Composition Analyzer (HPCA) #1 vibration test, and completion of bake-out and start of Thermal vacuum test for Fly’s Eye Energetic Particle Sensor (FEEPS) #1 and #2.
As of November 18, 2011:
- Progress continues on spacecraft and instrument flight manufacturing and testing with flight units proceeding thru various stages of acceptance
testing. Key accomplishments include the successful static load testing of Instrument Deck #1, a successful Command & Data Handling (C&DH) Flight Module 1 Test Readiness Review (TRR), a successful Science Data Processing (SDP)-1 baseline functional test which preceded the Pre Environmental Review (PER) this week, the PER for the first flight Transponder at L3, and successful Mission Operations Center (MOC) Critical Design Review (CDR) Peer Review.
As of October 21, 2011:
- Progress continues on spacecraft and instrument flight manufacturing and testing with flight units proceeding thru various stages of acceptance testing.
As of September 15, 2011
- Progress continues on spacecraft electronics boards in all subsystems with flight boards proceeding thru various stages of acceptance and testing. Planned work is progressing very well on Observatory flight structures #1, #2 and #3.
As of September 8, 2011
- Progress continues on spacecraft electronics boards in all subsystems with flight boards proceeding thru various stages of acceptance and testing. Planned work is progressing very well on Observatory flight structures #1 and #2.
As of August 25, 2011
- Progress continues on spacecraft electronics boards in all subsystems with flight boards proceeding thru various stages of acceptance and testing.
- Spacecraft structure #1 has completed initial assembly and alignment testing. It will be disassembled for alignment repeatability testing as soon as the crane is recertified post-earthquake.
- It has been agreed that Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) will ship Instrument Suite #1 in a disassembled state and reintegrate it at Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). This plan avoids the design and construction of an expensive shipping container .
As of August 19, 2011
- The major elements of Observatory #1's primary structure (Decks, Thrust Tube, Struts) have been assembled in the GSFC clean room! The structure is undergoing alignment measurements.
- Across the board fabrication, assembly and test of flight elements continues.
- Functional testing of the Power Subsystem Electronics (PSE) Flight Solar Array Module (SAM) board was completed.
Week of August 8, 2011
- The major elements of Observatory #1’s primary structure (Decks, Thrust Tube, Struts) are now complete and initial assembly has commenced in the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) clean room.
- Fast Plasma Investigation (FPI) has now completed all environmental testing of their Engineering Test Unit (ETU).
- Across the board fabrication and assembly of flight elements continues.
Week of August 1, 2011
- The Thrust Tube, Spacecraft Deck, and Instrument Deck for Observatory #1 were moved into a cleanroom at Goddard this week for assembly.
- The avionics harness for Observatory #1 completed this week.
- Across the board fabrication and assembly of flight elements continues.