NASA Logo, National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Science Working Group

Dr. James Burch, Chair
Principal Investigator, SwRI

Dr. Thomas Moore, Vice-Chair
Project Scientist, GSFC

Dr. Roy Torbert
Fields Investigation Lead, UNH

Dr. Craig J. Pollock
Fast Plasma Investigation Lead, GSFC

Dr. David Young
Hot Plasma Composition Investigation Lead, SwRI

Dr. Barry Mauk
Energetic Particle Lead, APL

Dr. Klaus Torkar
Active Spacecraft Potential Controller Lead, OeAW

Dr. Michael Hesse
Theory and Modeling Team Lead, GSFC

Dr. Robert Ergun
Burst Mode Lead, LASP/U Colorado

Dr. Stephen Fuselier
Science Operations Team Lead, Lockheed Martin

Dr. Tai Phan
IDS Team Lead, UC Berkeley

Dr. Martin Goldman
IDS Team Lead, U Colorado

Dr. Mel Goldstein
IDS Team Lead, GSFC

Science Working Group Charter

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